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5 of the Best App Designs We’ve Ever Seen

1. Spotify 2. Medium 3. Headspace 4. Snapseed 5. Trello Creating The Best App Designs Smartphones have come a long way in a very short period of time. Gone are the days when phone manufacturers sought to make the smallest model with the coolest flip. The early iPhone days changed our demand. Instead of tiny phones we wore on our hip, we wanted bigger screens, brighter colors and unique functions. Today, our phones are constantly becoming larger, more immersive and more powerful. Screen sizes have expanded greatly, while the surrounding bezels have become smaller - and the best app designs are built to take advantage of these elements. How much have things changed? Consider this. The whole iPhone 5s, which was released five-and-a-half years ago, can fit inside the screen of today’s iPhone XS. Need Funding For Your App Idea? Download Our FREE eBook now! Learn the expert secrets behind building successful apps that attract invertors and get funded! DOWNLOAD MY FREE EBOOK Creating the best app design no longer just means choosing awesome colors and making a great layout. App developers, entrepreneurs and designers of today must constantly consider how smartphone users interact with their devices. The world of app software is competitive, and if you’re going to be successful, knowing how to design an app is imperative. Creating the best app design no longer just means choosing awesome colors and making a great layout. App developers, entrepreneurs and designers of today must constantly consider how smartphone users interact with their devices. The world of app software is competitive, and if you’re going to be successful, knowing how to design an app is imperative. Before we showcase our favorite app designs ever, let’s examine a few ways that design has progressed, just in the last year. Swipeable UI: Two years ago, Apple introduced a complete gesture-based user interface with the iPhone X and iOS 11. In 2019, Google is expected to do the same with thr Android Q and the upcoming Pixel smartphone. This means that phone users will now expect their apps to be swipeable - and as an app entrepreneur or designer, you will want to make sure that your apps support all popular swipe-based gestures. Easy Onboarding Process: Over the years, onboarding and registration on apps have become extremely efficient. Users are able to avoid long forms and sign up instantly with their social media accounts. Within the app, designers are also putting more effort into giving the right clues and prompts to guide users through different actions. Since app abandonment is high, designers know that they must make the experience as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. Innovative Microinteractions: When users interact with apps, they expect some type of feedback. For example, if something is loading, we expect there to be some type of loading circle or loading bar to indicate the app’s progress. Microinteractions are becoming more creative while still accomplishing the objectives of highlighting changes, displaying progress/status, enhancing call-to-action prompts, and more. These elements…

How To Design An App That Stands Out

Getting Started Designing and Developing Your App App Design Tips Testing Your App Launching Your App Post Launch Chances are, when you encounter a well-designed app, you can’t put your finger on exactly why it’s great. Great apps simply just feel good. And with so many apps on the market, if you’re going to compete, your users need more than smart color palettes and fancy gradients - users need to feel that your app has the “it” factor. If you're going to win, you need to know how to design an app that captivates.  Unsurprisingly, most app entrepreneurs know what they want the app to do (heck, most of the time they’ve already named the app) but they have no idea how to actually design an app. And while we don’t expect that entrepreneurs should know how to single-handedly build a business model and develop the app, we do expect that most designers should know how. Need Funding For Your App Idea? Download Our FREE eBook now! Learn the expert secrets behind building successful apps that attract invertors and get funded! DOWNLOAD MY FREE EBOOK But here’s what most people don’t realize: not all designers know how to build an app because building an app that stands out is hard. Sure, they may focus on selecting the right color tones and making sure that all the required elements are added (which is important!), but they may not be focused on how a user will feel the first time they use the app; problem solving isn’t their primary concern. So, is it possible to deliver on the promise of a functional, user-friendly app that has a captivating aesthetic? In our ultimate guide to building a mobile app, we’ll teach you exactly how to design an app that is cutting-edge but familiar; beautiful but easy to adopt; and ultimately, one that stands out amongst the hundreds of thousands of apps in the app store. Getting Started 1.  Understand the Problem You’re Solving Sure, a well-designed app looks good but aesthetic is not the only marker of a great app. In fact, most users believe that as long as the design allows them to accomplish their mission in some way then it must be a good design, right? Well, not exactly. To adopt an app into their daily lives, users are going to need a clear path, functional code, and design that engages. The whole enchilada. And that begins with not only understanding the problem you’re solving but partnering with the right team to translate how your solution clearly solves that problem. 2. Create a Wireframe For Your App A wireframe is the blueprint for your design; or rather, a draft of your app’s visual architecture. It’s meant to serve as a functional sketch so don’t worry about including color palettes, logos, or interactive design at this stage in the game. Getting your workflows on paper will help your idea come to life, as well as help bridge any technical language gap between…

How To Come Up With The Right Name For Your App

Reflect Your App’s Core Features Differentiate Your Name With A Play On Words Keep It Short and Memorable Make Your App Name An Action Word Choose A Name That Is Searchable Align It With A Domain Pick The Obvious Name Connect With Your Consumer’s Emotions The Most Important App Naming Tip For most of us, our name existed even before we did. In anticipation of our arrival, our parents went through an ultra stressful process of narrowing down dozens of potential names until they chose the perfect one. Luckily they did, because whatever your name is, it has followed you throughout your entire life; and in some cases, people may have heard of your name before they’ve ever met you. When it comes to how to name an app, it’s of similar importance as naming a child. The name of your app will follow your brand forever, and in many cases, potential users will hear the name before they ever actually use your app. Naming an app isn’t as easy as it sounds – and knowing how to name an app effectively can separate your app from other competitors. Sure, “Google” sounds cool now, but 20 years ago, who ever would have imagined that it would be a name we use every day? Now, when someone says “Google”, everyone around the world knows exactly what it means. The name overcomes language barriers, age barriers and every other barrier – no matter where you are in the world, “Google” is a name that everyone knows. But how do you come up with such a clever name for your interesting app? How do you choose a name that sticks like Google, Facebook, Twitter or Evernote? To inspire you to create a name that really represents your app, we talked to several app developers and entrepreneurs, and asked how they came up with their app names. If you’re wondering how to name an app, here are the tips you need. Need Funding For Your App Idea? Download Our FREE eBook now! Learn the expert secrets behind building successful apps that attract invertors and get funded! DOWNLOAD MY FREE EBOOK 1. Reflect Your App’s Core Features Many successful apps choose a name that describe what the app does. Just by hearing the name, you know that WeChat is a messaging app or that Netflix has something to do with video on the net. Sometimes, users will judge your app immediately based off of a first impression and without reading your app description – having a name that explains the features of your app can give you a major advantage in these cases. Brian Swanson, co-founder of Inspironto, told us the story about how his founding team came up with the name for their app, QuestionAir: “We were talking about how fast the app sends questions from the poll manager’s iOS device to the respondent’s smartphones (because it doesn’t depend on backend servers). Someone said it felt like we were sending questions through the air…

Need Funding For Your App Idea?

Learn the expert secrets behind building successful apps that attract invertors and get funded. Download Our FREE eBook now!